Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Rent a family

Today, Tuesday, it has rained on and off all day. The clouds were low and it looked set in for the day. 

So, in order to make the best of the day we went to see Jodie, Bill and Pat's daughter, and the two granddaughters. They seemed glad to see us, especially when they found out we were as daft as Bill and Pat. 

View from Jodie's balcony. 

During the morning we played a card game called "last one out". Don't ask me the rules, I still don't really understand them. But it was good fun. 

Richard joined us for lunch, much of which we took along with us. 

After that we set off for the Royal Albatross Centre where we wandered about among nesting seagull and sea lion, saw albatross in flight and searched for blue penguin chicks. 

We then drove round to Allan's Beach to walk along the sand dunes and look what we found. 

Here's one of the large Maersk container ships leaving harbour. 

Close up it's a very big ship. 

On the way back home we saw a strange sight in the water! 

A horse rider in the middle of the sea! 

Reliably informed by Bill that the bay is very shallow here. 

Then, home for pizza. 

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